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৩ নভেম্বর, ২০২৪ থেকে কার্যকর



Application Fee BDT 200 plus VAT
CIB Inquiry Cost Reimbursement At actual
Transaction Cost Reimbursement RTGS cost for fund disbursement – At actual
MFS cost reimbursement – At actual
Processing Fee for Business Loan – VAT applicable
Client size The fee to be applied on the sanction limit
Cottage At actual
Micro At actual
Small At actual
Medium At actual
Large At actual
Processing Fee for Home Loan – VAT applicable
Demographic Applied on sanction limit
Any At actual
Documentation cost reimbursement
Sanction Letter and Agreement Paper (where applicable) Amount in BDT
Lease facility documentation and stamp cost At actual
Loan facility documentation and stamp cost At actual
Home loan documentation and stamp cost At actual
Security documentation (where applicable) Amount in BDT
Cost for each vehicle lease finance (including vendor commission) At actual
Cost for each personal guarantor (including vendor commission) At actual
Cost for each corporate guarantor (including vendor commission) At actual
Cost for each lien letter (including vendor commission) At actual
Cost for each mortgage & IGPA deed preparation At actual
Cost for each Redemption & Revocation deed preparation At actual

Note: Any facility change, such as ownership change, legal status change, loan facility change, reschedule or limit enhancement, etc., shall be subject to the norms of new loan facility sanction documentation costs.

Initial legal vetting cost reimbursement for mortgage security - before sanction (if applicable)
Vetting cost of proposed mortgage security documents At actual
Additional amount for each extra title deed during the vetting process At actual
Initial legal cost reimbursement for valuation of mortgage security collateral – before
Valuation cost of proposed mortgage security collateral At actual
Title search cost for mortgage security – before disbursement (if applicable):
Searching for freehold property – title search of mutation khatian with DCR, land tax and title deed At actual
Searching for leasehold property - title search of mutation khatian with DCR, land tax, title deed and sale/ mutation/ mortgage permission letter At actual
For searching, additional amount to be paid for each extra title deed/ mutation khatian with DCR and land tax* At actual
Conveyance Cost (In all applicable Cases) At actual
Original Deed withdrawal/handling cost
Legal cost for each Original deed withdrawal/handling At actual
Stamp cost reimbursement for mortgage security – before disbursement (if applicable)
Sl. Stamp Cost applicable for Mortgage Security Creation Cost per Instrument in BDT
A Original Mortgage Deed stamp cost At actual
B Original IGPA deed stamp cost At actual
C Original Redemption Deed stamp cost At actual
D Original Revocation Deed stamp cost At actual
E Certified Mortgage and IGPA Deed stamp costs At actual
F Certified Redemption and Revocation Deed stamp costs At actual
G Non-judicial stamp worth BDT 10 or 20/
Cartridge paper to be used for additional pages
At actual
H Commission of vendor on stamp paper and additional cartridge paper (10%) At actual
Total At actual
Insurance Cost: As per the prevailing premium rate provided by the insurance company.
Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) Cost Reimbursement
For the first year (Applicable on the loan sanction amount) 0.50%
For 2nd year till maturity (Applicable on the principle outstanding balance) 0.50%


CIB inquiry cost reimbursement: At actual
Transaction cost reimbursement:

RTGS cost for fund disbursement – At actual

MFS cost reimbursement – At Actual

Processing Fee for Short- Term Facility Renewal – VAT applicable
Client size The fee to be applied on the sanction limit
Cottage At actual
Micro At actual
Small At actual
Medium At actual
Large At actual
Transaction cost for short-term facility
Facility Pre-disbursement processing charge Record maintenance charge per month Per Invoice Processing Charge
Revolving Loan Max 0.20% N/A N/A
Pre-Delivery Financing Max 0.30% N/A N/A
Credit-Sale Financing N/A BDT 100 per debtor* Max 0.50%

*Record Maintenance Charge BDT 300 (min) and BDT 1,500(max).

Late payment interest: Prevailing Interest Rate plus 0.50%, except Credit-Sale Financing facility.
Legal cost reimbursement for periodic revaluation of mortgage collateral security (if applicable)
Revaluation cost of mortgaged security collateral At actual
Early Settlement Fee – VAT applicable

Borrower may settle the loan/ lease/ home loan facility before expiry. For home loan, early Settlement is allowed after 6 (six) months from the date of facility execution. In case of early settlement, 1.00% fee shall apply on the principal settlement amount. However, exceptions shall apply in any of the following events, where

  • Client size: Cottage, Micro and Small
  • Facility type: Short-Term Facility and Revolving in nature
  • Settlement period: Within 01 month of the Interest Rate Revision
  • Facility top-up: In case the borrower has already availed of home loan facility from UFL, they may wish to settle existing home loans and seek a single repayment schedule that is compatible with their cash flow. The objective is to ensure that additional future funding (facility top-up) for the same project is affordable. It follows that the purpose of the limit enhancement shall be to support the construction work of an existing project. The branch shall provide evidence regarding the utilization of previously disbursed funds by United Finance. If a fund diversion is identified, the early settlement fee shall apply.
Documentation cost for temporary limit enhancement of a short-term facility
Facility Description
Credit-Sale Financing 0.15% of the Temporary Limit.
Statement Fees – VAT Applicable
Statement Type First Issue Per Year Repeat Issue(Each Issue) Per Year
No Objection Certificate Free BDT 200
Tax Certificate (Each Tax Cycle) Free BDT 200
Credit Rating Letter Free BDT 200
Account Statement/Balance Confirmation Free for First 2 Issue BDT 200
Other Documentation Cost (where applicable)
Photocopy cost of property documents At actual
Photocopy cost of facility agreement papers At actual
Repeat issuance of leased asset transfer documents* At actual

*First-time issuance is free.

Duties, Taxes, Charges and Levies As per prevailing regulations of the National Board of Revenue (NBR).
  • Fees and Charges have to be clearly mentioned in the Sanction Letter. The borrower is not bound to pay unless otherwise specified in the Sanction Letter.
  • Loans granted under a Refinance Package or Special Funds established by the Bangladesh Bank or Government are subject to the regulations of those special programs. Before sanctioning loans, the Business and Credit teams must review the regulations.